So I was a master fitter for 4 years... at golf galaxy.... and I can say Grip size matters alot... And I hardly went by hand size.... Sometimes... but for me.. If I notice the person was constantly closing the club face on contact and pulling or hooking the ball... no matter the hand size I would try a midsize and then a jumbo... and As I am a fitter and not a swing instructor... It was my job to Fit the club to the swing so they dont have to fit the swing to the club... And I cant tell you how many people I straighten out just by switching the grip the size from the standard they played there whole life to a Midsize grip... I was the best fitter in the store.. So much that literally people would request me and wait for an hour until They could see me if was busy with something else... I TOOK it so seriously and with so much passion... I say that to say You can be more right about GRIP SIZE and the you shouldnt go based on hand size... it can be a good starting point... but no the end all be all.
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Excellent post, @ryen91. Thanks for sharing your fitting expertise!!
A true fitter will do exactly that - fit the swing - and they will do so "agnostically", meaning without allegiance to or incentive from any particular brand.
Great stuff!!