When you setup with the hogan arms at address and start your backswing, does the lead arm start to rotate clockwise or does it remain the same as it is in the setup throughout to the top of backswing?
When i try to keep my elbows close and elbows pointing at my hips (pits out) and try to keep this feeling throughout the swing, my swing is much shorter and i get a flat lead wrist and i dont overswing. Also i get a proper followthrough.
If i dont focus on this, after the takeaway i get too relaxed and my lead arm rotates clockwise a lot and i lose the connected feeling and start to overswing
You know if you look at pix of hogan or palmer or Tom, they're pretty flexible. The takeaway involves a big shoulder turn, and the tilt gives the angle of the downswing. We probably aren't that flexible and we compensate with hands and arms. The hogan arm works. Just concentrate, shoulder turn,