I have been reviewing Tom's new intructional videos in beta mode and I have to say he has done an outstading job with the full swing. Anything you need from setup to the finish of the swing is covered in great detail.
After viewing almost off of them I am now hitting the best I ever have. Here are the things that I am focusing on:
- Grip more in the fingers with pinch between left forefinger and thumb
- My backswing keys are as follows: Pull the arms back around you with the right hand and extend the right wrist back. At the same time I start the backswing I do a side crunch and point my left shoulder to the ground
- To begin the dowswing I push off the inside of my right foot while keeping my right wrist extended
- Through impact I look at a very small spot on the back of the ball and feel like I am brushing the ground in front of the ball with my right palm for as long as I can.
Either I am dreaming or these thoughts and feels will be the swing I use to the day I die my hair red.
Interested if others have any thoughts on this. Thanks for reading.
Don't call me Francis......😆