Any thoughts on what is causing a lack of distance on the course with my irons...I must be a swing flaw as I don't have the issiw on the range....I think I am.pulling up and not keeping my weight on my left side ....tempo is to quick as well...still struggling to replicate the range swing on the course ....good news is I know the right swing is inside just have to figure out how to with me...but the lack of power and distance was concerning can't complain too.mcuh as this was my view the last two days...
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@Andrew Bogdan - You are correct; you can't complain too much with that postcard-worthy panorama!
Full migration from range to course can take a while. The swing is indeed in you now; it's just a matter of the trust and confidence going with it, as @desmondmoss said. The great news for you at this juncture is that it is purely a function of time - not "if" but "when". You'll know you're getting there when your mechanical thoughts on the course are down to one (or even none) and you are nearly 100% target-focused. This is where the Fearless Golf book by Dr. Gio Valiante can help, as well as some of the other mental game suggestions you will find in this Forum.