Tom, thank you for your help in improving my golf game. You have discussed spine extension in the downswing extensively. However, when I read the Stack & Tilt book, they also discuss spine extension in the backswing. Any thoughts from you on spine extension in the backswing?
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@MarkG in NH I am going to restart this topic discussion. as I have been trying to work with @Tom Saguto ’s spine exercises in several different videos as the key, yet still watching my head bob down and weave around a little in vids as the backswing goes up, always with inconsistent fat / bobbling / sh#$&y / dribbling results. There’s clearly something I’m not getting and I‘m at a loss to discover it. And trying to follow “you’ll just have to feel it” is getting me nowhere that I can use to improve. So, What is spine extension in S&T exactly? And if it’s not happening at address, then what is happening with the spine then, especially the tailbone? When does extension start, and how does it start and how does it continue? How does it feel at the top of the backswing? How does it feel as the downswing begins and through contact? Follow through seems pretty clear to me, at least as an end goal.
maybe having a few months on this topic has given you some more insight and ideas on how to practice it, until it’s pretty automatic, not even a thought anymore(?)