I know it’s supposed to be a blending of tilt/turn/extend, but I need something to get my motion started or I just stand over the ball thinking about too many things. For example, I have one or two pre-swing thoughts that are grip (in fingers and heel pad of left hand on top of club) which is an improvement I just made via the videos and feeling the wedge in my right hand since I was a vicious lifter/chopper/flipper. My one swing thought has been to feel the tilt first for a few inches. Is this the right way to start the backswing?
I just submitted a V1 video of me trying to do the drill in section 2 so I am taking about a half to 3/4 swing. my garage ceiling is not quite tall enough. I can still see a little cup in my wrists at the top and a very slight chop but it is drastically improved from a few months ago. I will leave that to your video comments though. Thanks for all the help!
With regard to tilting first and then turning/extending, it's certainly fine as long as long as you don't either: 1) get too much weight forward too early - remember, we're starting at 55/60% forward at address and building to around 70% at the top of the backswing; or 2) allow the subsequent turn/extend take over and pull us out of our tilted orientation.
Here is an option for you. Try incorporating this Tailbone2Target move while tilting and see how that plays out for you. If done properly it'll take care of all the components and put you in a great position to start the downswing.
Ahhh...the age-old question in search of some form of sage advice. Alas, I'm sorry to have to disappoint you, Rick. First of all, ask ten different golfers and they may give you ten different answers. Secondly, the same golfer may give you a different answer this week than he gave last week depending on what he is feeling on a particular day! So I'll quote the Stack and Tilt book's answer to this very question: "You need a comprehensive overview of the motion to understand how to direct the various parts of the body to create the correct sequence of the swing. So consider it the brain that starts the swing. Clear intentions simplify execution."
That really helps a lot, right?.......🤣
What this means is that once we have a good understanding of the proper motions we can then find a trigger that works well within the system. For example, "milking" the grip one time (not fifteen times like Sergio used to do!), bumping the hips an inch to set the weight forward, squeezing the arms together (without adding tension, of course), a waggle, etc.
Anyway, I'm glad you have made great strides in dechoppifying your swing, and I look forward to doing your V1 analysis!